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At Kumra, quality comes first.

Here at Kumra, everyone is a steward for quality, from sourcing to formulation, production to distribution, data management to accounting, striving for excellence is second nature to us. Our employees have tunnel vision and are focused on the end goal, which benefits the patients who depend on us for affordable medication, enabling them to lead happy and healthy lives.

Not one to be blind sighted, our reputation is built on producing and delivering premium quality generic pharmaceuticals, constantly exceeding industry practices and global regulatory standards. We source only premium grade materials and ensure quality products which are a league apart. We are constantly in search for the best new technological platforms, so as to enhance the overall quality of the patients association with us.



Kumra stands for trust, which have been instilled by us in our customers, pharmacists and physicians, over a prolonged period is delivering safe and effective medicines. We take immense pride in this esteemed position that we have humbly come to enjoy.

Quality has been, is and will always continue to be at the epi-centre of everything that we do here at Kumra Pharma.

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